Micro-Features or improvements

We're excited to announce that our AI-powered suggestions can now help you improve your content in a variety of ways:
  1. Suggest - Get a fresh perspective on your text by generating a variation of the selected content.
  2. Enhance - Add a layer of creativity to your writing with AI's suggestions.
  3. Add Emoji - Automatically insert relevant emojis based on your content, to make your writing more expressive.
  4. Shorten - Easily condense your text while preserving its meaning and impact.
  5. Spelling - Check your text for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  6. Custom - Give custom instructions on how you want your text amended.
  1. Player Timeline - We've made it even easier to keep track of email deliverability. Now, when you hover over the "opted out" icon, you'll see a message that reads "Email was not delivered as the player is opted out".
  2. Bonus Events - We're always working to improve your reporting experience. We have added support for a fasttrack_references property in the Bonus Event. For more information on how to implement this, click here.
  3. Image Previews - We've added a maximum size for image previews in both the Player Timeline and QA Portal. Plus, images now open in a small, easy-to-view modal.
  4. Emoji Selector - We've made some user interface improvements to our emoji selector tool. One of them is that you can now add multiple emojis before the selector closes automatically. It's the little things that make a big difference!

🐞 Bug fixes

  1. Lifecycles - We've made it easier to create and remove Lifecycles with optimal launch times and will now save your configurations correctly.
  2. Trigger Events - A fix to theuser_id field is applied so it displays the correct count of triggers being used.
  3. Navigation - We've improved the breadcrumbs navigation in the header so you don't get redirected when navigating through Lifecycles in the QA Portal.