Segments that are created inside Lifecycles are unique Segments. What does that mean?
  1. From inside the Lifecycle, you cannot select from previously created Segments
    1. You can only re-use previously created Segments for the entry conditions.
    2. For split audience Segments inside the Lifecycle, unique Segments must be created.
  2. You cannot re-use Segments that you create in Lifecycles
  3. It is not possible to find Segments built in Lifecycles in Segment resources
Entry Conditions: As mentioned above, you can 're-use' an existing Segment when it comes to the entry conditions.
Please note that by selecting an existing Segment, it will be cloned (in the background) and assigned to the new Lifecycle you are creating.
The reason for this is to ensure that Segment hygiene is kept clean and that no changes can be made to Segments that are in use and that could have an effect on an active Lifecycle.
Lifecycle Segments are created in two ways:
  1. Firstly to define which players are eligible to enter the Lifecycle. This is decided upon when a new Lifecycle is created.
  2. The initial Segment is then split into different smaller Segments when splitting the audience. This is defined when building the Lifecycle.

๐Ÿ–– Split the Audience

Not Splitting the Audience

If you do not decide to split the audience, it means that all players that enter the Lifecycle will receive the same communication. There will be no variations inside the Lifecycle.
In this example, NRC-NDC, all newly registered Swedish Players will receive the same communication about a welcome offer.

Splitting the Audience

Should you want to send different variations of communications to different Segments of your audience, then you can do so.
Here's how to do it:
  1. Open the Lifecycle version, making sure you are in define structure mode
  2. Split Audience
  3. Create Segment
  4. Name the Segment. Make sure that the name represents who is included
  5. Configure the Segment as you wish
  6. Save
Split the audience
Split the audience
As you can see, those players that fall into the split Segment will receive an alternate communication.
Example: Split the audience to send a more attractive welcome offer to players with an affiliate reference.
In this instance, all players without an affiliate reference would receive the first communication. Any players with an affiliate reference would receive the alternate communication.

๐Ÿงพ Confirmation

The number of times you wish to split the audience and create changes to your player communication is completely up to you. It becomes very important to name the Segments clearly so that you and your team can see who is being captured within each split.
You can confirm which conditions of the Segment are applicable to an Activity in two ways:
  1. When adding a split audience, you will see a reminder about any conditions affecting the new Segment from other Segments inside the Lifecycle.
Segment conditions
Segment conditions
2. When adding Activities to an event from Define Activity mode, if you open the Activity box, you can see a detailed description of what is included inside the Segment. Check out the example below:
Segment description - excluding affiliate
Segment description - excluding affiliate
Segment description - including affiliate
Segment description - including affiliate