There are four statuses to the Lifecycle workflow. You will notice that there is one new addition:
  1. Ready

In Dev

Here you will find all inactive Lifecycle versions in development. Add new versions, edit, clone, send to QA or delete from here.
From here you can:
  1. Create a new version
  2. Delete a version
  3. Clone a version
  4. Edit and work on a version
  5. Change the version name
  6. Change Lifecycle name
Note: Once the Lifecycle version is moved out of In Dev, you will no longer be able to make any edits to the version itself. The only way to get the Lifecycle back In Dev is to reject from QA.


Lifecycle versions that are ready and waiting for quality assurance. Sign-off to approve or Reject to send back to In Dev for editing.
Check each Activity in the Lifecycle individually, approve each component of the Activity and sign-off. Then check the Lifecycle in its entirety and approve.
‘Reject’ the version to return it back to ‘In Dev’ if changes need to be made or 'Approve' to move the version to 'Active'.
From here you can:
  1. Quality assure
  2. Sign-off and move to Ready
  3. Reject and move to In Dev
  4. Clone a version. The cloned version will be found in In Dev
Note: Each Activity and event that is signed-off will change colour from purple to green so you can easily keep track.
Read more about how to QA a Lifecycle version here.


The new status on the block.
For versions that are ready but not in production. In order to launch the Lifecycle to Prod, you need to confirm the audience split and the Trigger & Segment to move players into your Lifecycle.
A Lifecycle version will wait in Ready once it has been QA'd. Once all the launch components are confirmed and verified, then it can move to Prod.
From here you can:
  1. Clone a version. The cloned version will be found In Dev
  2. Verify and move to Prod
  3. Amend the lifecycle trigger and segment
  4. Modify % split of the segment between different versions
Note: Ready Lifecycles are not live and have no players inside.


All Lifecycle versions that are signed-off, activated and in production and running. Lifecycles in Prod are the only Lifecycles with players inside and that are live.
From here you can:
  1. Clone a version. The cloned version will be found In Dev
  2. Stop a Lifecycle from running. It will be moved back to Ready
  3. Modify % split of the Segment between different versions
  4. Check the players inside the Lifecycle and choose to remove them or create a new Segment with them
Note: When a Lifecycle version is running you will see a green panel in each status inside the Lifecycle and the green blinking light visible from inside the Lifecycle and from the overview page.
Live Lifecycle
Live Lifecycle