✏‍ How to create an email

When selecting Send Email as your Action type you will first be asked to select your Email Template. Any completed Email Templates, with at least one version, you'll be able to find in the drop-down list.
Selecting Template
Selecting Template
Once you've selected the template that you wish to work with, the Preview of your Email Template will open up and give you a full visual of your email as you set it up.
For every placeholder included in the selected Email Template, there will be a matching field for you to add your desired content. With the preview, you'll straight away see if any styling edits are necessary along the way.
Setting up an email
Setting up an email
🧠‍ Note: The placeholder fields are HTML friendly.
🧙‍♂‍ Pro-Tip: If you want to remove/leave a field blank you just need to add a space:
Remove a placeholder field with a space
Remove a placeholder field with a space

Images and banners

Like with adding text to your emails, you can also make your standard banners and images into placeholders. For this to be possible, you need to set-up your Email Template accordingly. Browse for the desired image with help of the Media Picker, or upload a new picture right there and then. You can also use AI to generate an image by clicking on the Auto-Generate tab. Read more about the Media Library/Media Picker here.
Add Image
Add Image

Send a Test Email

Once you've set-up your email, you can send yourself (or your colleagues) a test email to check that everything looks good before sending it to your players.
To send a test email, simply open the email preview icon from inside the activity and select the Send Test icon from the top-right hand corner. Enter the recipient(s) email address and off you go!
Now you will receive the email to your designated email address. Here you can do a final check of your email set-up before it goes out to players.
Send a test email
Send a test email