Here you'll find a comprehensive overview of all the functionalities found inside FT CRM;
Note: Some aspects of functionality may require custom development or may be displayed differently for different operators.

⏱️ Real-time Platform & Events

The average end-to-end processing of Real-time events is 50ms.
Real-time Data Platform
Player Actions (Channels)
Real-time Events
Real-time Data Stream
Send data to the platform in real-time from your gaming platform and other business systems and websites
Real-time Segmentation
All segmentation attributes and calculations that are delivered using the Real-time Data Stream and are updated and made available in Real-time. Any data delivered sent as Real-time events can be mapped to the brand segmentation model.
Real-time Triggers
Any event in the Real-time Data Stream can be used as a Real-time Trigger to run Activities and release specific Actions. E.g. to credit a bonus when a player makes a successful deposit of €50 or more.
Real-time Consents
Player's communication consents are updated in Real-time, e.g. if a player opts out from email marketing on 01/06/2020 at 17:55:01 they would be excluded from receiving the next email campaign, even if the campaign triggers only a second after.
Real-time Analytics (Data Consolidation)
Conversion and engagement related metrics are updated in Real-time. E.g. all Email and SMS delivery and engagement stats are updated in real-time.
Real-time Custom Events
In addition to the standard integration (with core support and implementation guidelines for all iGaming verticals), the operator can send any custom data to the platform. These can be used to enhance the segmentation model or create bespoke triggers.
Build and send Emails. End to end management from design, template management, dynamic fields, IP pools/sender profiles, real-time conversion stats and unsubscribe inside the platform.
Build and send SMS. Manage end to end set up build and tracking of SMS directly from the platform. Support for Real-time delivery and click tracking. Shortlink support. Supporting both or text "STOP" or link to opt-out support.
Credit Bonus
Credit bonuses. The platform will communicate with the operator's gaming systems via API to credit the specific bonuses.
Credit Pending Bonuses
Credit bonuses that will remain locked/pending until a player completes a specific action defined. The platform will communicate with the operator's gaming systems via API to make the specific pending bonuses visible and when to credit them.
Rich Inbox
Build and send Rich Inbox messages. Rich Inbox is a messaging/inbox solution that can be placed on the website. Available as a white label (simple JavaScript integration) or can be completely customised using API.
Push Notifications
Build and send Push Notifications. Token management and ability to link/unlink devices are managed by the platform.
On-site Notifications
Users can build and send On-site Notifications. Send a normal notification to appear in the top right corner, or create a shoutout that will take over the site. Available as a white label (simple JavaScript integration) or can be completely customised using API.
Re-activation Calling
Integration makes it possible to add or remove players to Reactivation projects with Enteractive. Add players in bulk or at a specific stage in the lifecycle. Real-time conversion statistics to aid the best possible outcome.
Automatic/Predictive Calling
Integration makes it possible to add players to predictive calling projects. Add players in bulk or at a specific stage in the lifecycle. Real-time conversion statistics to aid the best possible outcome.
Player Tagging
Assign or remove player tags that can be used in segmentation.
Trigger a web callback (on a specific URL) when a certain event takes place.
Proactive Chat
Trigger the live chat window to open when a specific event occurs. Integration and capabilities vary on live chat provider.
Other Providers, Business Systems
Alternative providers to existing channels and new channels can be integrated into the platform upon request.
User Registration
Action a User Registration
Action a player log-in, e.g. player logs in on the operator's mobile site.
Payments (Deposits & Withdrawals)
Action requested, approved or rejected deposits and withdrawals
Action and record consent updates, e.g. player opts into email marketing.
Action and record profile updates, e.g. a player becomes verified.
Action and record casino game round events, e.g. a player spins on a slot machine.
Action and record sportsbook bet events, e.g. player places a single or a combo bet
Action and record e-sport bet events, e.g. a player places a single bet on E-sports.
Action and record lottery purchase events, e.g. player's first lottery purchase.
Action and record the purchase of a scratch card
Action and record bonus status updates, e.g. when a bonus is credited or wagering requirement is completed for a bonus
Action and record balance changes, with support for all balances and currencies, both in real, locked or bonus balance.
Action and record wallet movements for a player and events on the different wallets.
Action and record gamification events, e.g. when a player levels upon the operator's loyalty program
Custom Events
Action and record any custom events, e.g. a player clicks a button on your website

🤺 Multi-Channel Activities & Lifecycles

Activities (Multi-Channel)
Lifecycle Automation (Multi-Channel)
Marketing Campaigns
Marketing campaigns including, e.g. Flagship campaigns, Network Promotions, or Reactivation campaigns that can include multiple communications on different channels, such as email, SMS, on-site messages, push notifications, and/or automatic calling.
Scheduled Engagements
Activities can be scheduled to take place in the future, e.g. when there's a specific holiday or a new game release.
Re-occurring Campaigns
Campaigns that re-occur on intervals that are defined by the users, e.g. an Activity with an email send-out that re-occurs every Friday at 18:00 or every month on the 25th at 18:00 or every 3 hours.
Advanced Retargeting
After sending an email or SMS, re-target the player if they have not engaged with you in X amount of time. E.g. Send an Email at 11.00, if the player has not logged in at 13.00 also send an SMS.
Multiple Actions in one Activity
An Activity can include multiple Actions, e.g. one Activity can include an Email and SMS send-out at 17:00 plus a bonus that is credited as a scheduled action when the same player logs in within the next 3 hours (before 20:00).
Multiple Languages in one Activity
An Activity can be translated into multiple languages.
A/B Testing
Easily deploy and test variations of rewards and/or communication. The difference in conversion results for A/B test is reflected in reports that are available on the platform.
Random Audience Split
Choose the desired % of the segment that will receive each A/B variation and control groups.
Control Groups
Add a control group to the Activity to exclude a portion of the segment to see true results. Activity performance dashboards will highlight performance differences and Z score.
Onboarding of New Players
Build automated lifecycles to efficiently onboard newly registered players in making their first deposit or purchase.
Upsell & Cross-Sell
Build automated lifecycles to capture upsell & cross-sell opportunities to increase your share of wallet. Prolong players sessions whilst still on site, and ability to cross-sell between products and devices.
On-site Engagement
Build automated lifecycles to enhance the on-site experience. This includes but is not limited to the ability to celebrate important moments (Big wins), capture important negative moments such as failed deposits, bet placements or cart abandonments (lotto). Also have the ability to pro-actively manage responsible gaming risk behaviour, such as notifying your players playing at night, aggressive changes in bet behaviour, long sessions.
Retention of Active Players
Build automated life cycles to retain your players. The platform will monitor player engagement and predict how likely the player is to return. Action when there is a negative shift or you are at risk of losing a player.
Anniversaries & Birthdays
Build automated life cycles to celebrate birthdays and brand anniversaries.
Reactivation of Churned Players
Automatically communicate and trigger Actions for players who are currently inactive or showing signs of becoming inactive. This can be done by using brand defined timelines, such as, time since last deposit is over 5 days ago (which would be confirmed with real-time data on the moment of the campaign send-out). Also, the Probability of Returning Predictions can be used to trigger Activities on the moments that players engagement behaviour pattern changes (e.g. player 101 moved into critical category today).
A/B Testing of Lifecycles
Run variations of a full lifecycle to see performance changes from one version to the next.
Multiple Versions
One lifecycle can have multiple versions. Run one or many versions in parallel
Visual Lifecycle Builder
Easy to use interface to build and see a clear overview of lifecycles
Lifecycle Control Groups
Assign a percentage that will be excluded from an entire lifecycle to see true uplift from the lifecycle you are running.

🎬 Player Actions

Email Builder
Template Management
Upload, store and create new email templates with multiple versions on the platform.
Template Versions
Email Templates with multiple versions out of which one can be chosen as the active version.
Code Editor
Email Template HTML and/or style editor, which can be used simultaneously.
Visual Editor
Multiple content fields on templates that when added, become available for edits while building Activities, allowing editing emails without having to build separate email templates or to leave the Activity builder.
Content Blocks
Re-use content blocks to quickly build and manage changes in an Email Template.
Personalisation & Dynamic Content
Dynamic content fields that are sent through via the Real-time Event Steam.
Sender Profiles
Multiple email Sender Profiles. E.g. use a different profile for transactional emails than for marketing communication emails, which can have a better open rate and reputation on different email providers.
Sender Authentication
Email sender authentication to improve operator's sender reputation and email delivery rates.
Emoji Support
Utilise emojis to enhance your content.
Links in external communication are coated in a shortlink of operator's choice and tracked accordingly.
Click Tracking
Click tracking on SMS to collect conversion data for performance reporting.
Sender Profiles
Multiple SMS Sender Profiles. For example, show a different sender name in one market compared to another.
Emoji Support
Utilise emojis to enhance your content.

🚅 Efficiency & iGaming Support

iGaming Support
iGaming Specific Workflow
The platform is built specifically for iGaming. This is reflected throughout the workflow all the way from planning to execution and analysis. This includes but not limited to the real-time data in the foundation, the way activities are built with all actions in one place, bonus integration by default, support to handle compliance requirements, industry-specific segmentation model, relevant predictive models, translations management, quality assurance to name a few.
Communication Profiles
Communication profiles determine which language the player will receive. This is fully configurable and flexible.
Quality Assurance (QA) Portal
A dedicated QA portal to review activities including their settings and visual contents with a step by step review and sign off process.
Automatic Bonus Terms & Stop Text
SMS send-outs automatically include the chosen bonus terms and stop texts without having to add these contents for each send-out separately.
Duplication Features
The platform has multiple available duplicate functions, including duplication of Projects, Activities, Actions and Action Groups.
Live Preview
Whenever you create an action (such as Email, SMS or On-site notification) you can always preview what the end result will be for the player. Both whilst you build and during testing.
Single-click Translations
Adding a new translation into an Activity is done with a single click. The necessary fields to add the translations become available automatically, while the fields that do not change from the system language do not need to be filled in again.
Activity Process Monitoring
Activity Process Monitoring is a real-time monitoring tool that includes a summary of all Activities triggered by the platform.
Bulk Upload + Drag & Drop Media Library
Upload and store media files on the platform with a drag and drop function. Files or zip files can be uploaded in bulk.
Activity Archiving
Archived past activities to later view old Activities.
Search & Hotkeys
Hotkeys make it faster and more efficient to access certain areas of the platform
Organising Activities into Projects and manage the end-to-end build of activities from inside a Project.
Project Workflows (Dev/QA/Prod)
Projects feature a simple workflow to easily get an overview of what is in development, in quality assurance or live in production.
Activity Planner
A calendar view that shows when projects and activities are scheduled to be sent.
Player Search
Search for individual players and show their Player Timeline and Player Info with real-time values for each available segmentation attribute.
Player Timeline
List of all player's past and upcoming Actions with a visual view of the communications, for example, a preview of the actual email that was sent to them, the SMS message or Onsite notification.
Probability of Returning Prediction (Machine Learning)
Predictive player insights data model, which predicts player engagement level (from Sky-High likelihood of returning to Churned players).
Player Value Prediction (Machine Learning)
Predictive player insights data model High-Value Players, which is a model that makes predictions of potential future high-value players.
Jackpot Monitoring (Red Tiger Games)
The game provider Red Tiger's real-time Jackpot Monitoring stream is available in Triggers. E.g. automatically send communications when the chosen Jackpot turns hot.
Casino Segmentation Model
Content engagement, player value and behavioural segmentation for Casino.
Sportsbook Segmentation Model
Content engagement, player value and behavioural segmentation for Sportsbook.
Lottery segmentation Model
Content engagement, player value and behavioural segmentation for Lottery.
Scratch Card Segmentation Model
Content engagement, player value and behavioural segmentation for Scratch Cards.
Lifecycle Automation templates
Pre-designed automation templates that can be used to easily build lifecycles.
Management Alerts (Automated)
Pre-designed automation templates that can be used to easily set up management alerts, e.g. big wins/withdrawal request.
Bonus Platform Integration
Integrated with your internal bonus and rewards system.

🤖 AI Features

AI Features
AI-Powered Suggestions
Improve your content in a variety of ways with just one click.
Auto-Generated Translations
Translate content with AI Technology.
AI Image Generation
Generate Images with AI Technology

🤝 1:1 Experiences

The Singularity Model
1:1 Experience Features
Player Features
Establish comprehensive player profiles with real-time observations of players' actions and interactions. A key feature to perform 1:1 Experiences, and can also be used for Segmentation.
Content Features
Classify campaigns in the Content Library, to be matched to players based on Player Features.
Content Library
Create an elaborate library of campaigns to be used for the full 1:1 Experience.
Smart Time of Day
Send-out times of campaigns will be decided by the Singularity Model at each individual player's most optimal time.
Smart Channel
In a campaign, the Singularity Model will decide which outbound channel (Email or SMS) is the most cost-effective option for each individual player in the Segment.
The full 1:1 Experience
The offer/content, of a campaign, is hand-picked for each player, with the help of the Singularity model/engine.

📈 Analytics & Insights

Analytics & Insights
The Data Studio
Lifecycle Reporting
Clear overview of the performance of an entire lifecycle and the activities inside.
Campaign Reporting
Multiple conversion dashboards are available on the platform. The dashboards are updated with real-time data and conversion performance.
Player Movements
See players engagement levels and how they have moved from the previous day.
Financial KPI Performance
All reports include relevant financial KPIs, such as deposits. All reports include relevant financial KPIs, such as deposits.
Brand Analytics
See an overview of your brands performance.
Channel Performance
See detailed data on how each delivery channel.
System Dashboards
Fast Tracks pre-built selection of fast-loading dashboards.
Brand Dashboards
Brand dashboards are visible for you and any user that has access to your FT CRM environment and with access to the Data Studio.
Private Dashboards
Create private dashboards that are only visible and accessible from your personal account.

⚒️ Integrations

API/Custom Integrations
Hosting & Security
API Support for Transactional Email, SMS & Push Notifications
API based integration to send system messages on Email, SMS or Push. E.g. mobile verification or KYC request.
Service Portal for DevOps
Internal DevOps teams have access to a service portal which includes full monitoring of the platform.
Backoffice Customisations
The back office can be customised, e.g. to include custom data visualisation.
Extended Bonus Platform Integration
Ability to set up rewards and bonuses directly from the platform.
Connect in-house Tools & Platforms
Extend with custom integrations. Integrate for example internal gamification or loyalty platforms.
Real-time Data Access for in-house Development
Allow your internal development team to build their own action services using the data feed from the platform.
New Provider Integrations
Request new providers integrations (e.g. new Email or SMS provider) that will be integrated and added.
Dedicate Hosting
Each operator has its own instance of the platform with their own dedicated hosting unless otherwise agreed.
Multiple Environments
Staging and Production environment is included, additional environments can be requested.
Environment Lockdown
The option to add additional security controls
GSuite Integration
Integrated with Google GSuite.
The changelog is updated on changes made in the system. Logs can be retrieved at any time.
User Management Centre
Center for clients to invite new users and assign different access roles to each user.
Permissions & Roles
Customisable platform feature access rights granted for each user in the User Management Centre.
Disaster Recovery
In event of a disaster, a new installation of the platform can up and running within a specific time frame.
System Backups
All the systems are backed up on a regular basis.
GDPR Compliant
The platform includes relevant features to follow GDPR compliance.
Multiple Consents
The platform records players communication consents per different channels, such as email, SMS, Onsite Messages, Push, Telephone, Direct Mail.
Branded Unsubscribe Page
Branded Unsubscribe page is provided for each brand.