⚙️ What are Feature Types?

Feature Types are the settings that are used to create Player Features. They define the language that you use to talk about important pieces of information. The Player Features use these settings and relate them to a player. This helps us to do several things:
  1. To use the information and assign a meaning to it and then apply that meaning to your players.
  2. It creates rules or boundaries for which we can talk about Player Features.
  3. It creates a common language or set of terminology that acts as a contract between Content Features and Player Features. In future releases, you will be able to match players to the best content and create 1:1 Experiences.
One Feature Type is Channel
In the FT Singularity Model* we break down the channel into the following classes:
  1. Email
  2. SMS
  3. Push Notification
  4. On-site Notifications
  5. Telephone
  6. Direct Mail
An example of a Player Feature that will make use of the Channel Feature Type is Most Cost-Efficient Outbound Channel.
This allows you to understand information about your player that you couldn't before. In this instance, you can prioritise the channel that has the lowest costs, taking into account player opt-in status and deliverability.
*The FT Singularity Model comes with pre-built Feature Types, covering what we believe are the most important pieces of information.

🪡 Feature Type & Player Features - How do they work together?

As mentioned above, Feature Types are the settings that a Player Feature is dependent on.
A Player Feature must be attached to or associated with a Feature Type. Multiple Player Features can be created based on the same Feature Type.
For example, the Feature Type Deposit Bracket can support Player Features such as Predicted Deposit Bracket and First Deposit Amount.
Read more about Player Features here:

🧑‍🏫 Classes

Feature Types can be broken down into multiple classes but must have at least one class. Classes are the categorisation of data belonging to the Feature Type.
In the example used above, you can see that each channel type (email, SMS etc.) is a class of the Channel Feature Type.
🧠 Let's take a look at another example.
Feature Type: Active State (Lifestage)
  1. Active today
  2. Idle (1 day)
  3. Idle (2 days)
  4. Idle (5 days)
  5. Idle (10 days)
  6. Idle (20 days)
  7. Inactive
  8. Never active
Note: These classes are ranked, meaning that the values have a rank or order that is relative to the other classes. Active today is ranked as number 1, the lowest number and therefore the lowest rank. This means that the longer a player is idle, they will belong to a higher-ranking class.
↕️ When you are setting up ranked Player Features, the order (rank) is important. The ranked ordering determines how the classes are displayed and ordered inside the Player Feature.
Even more importantly, the ranked order is significant when using Player Features, and their classes, inside segmentation. For example:
Active state is greater than or equal to Idle (5 days)
This segment would include any players classified as Idle (5 days), Idle (10 days), Idle (20 days), Inactive and Never Active.
Continue reading to learn how to set up Feature Types.