๐Ÿ‘ฑ Test Users

Before you can get started testing an Activity, you first need to have Test Users set-up. Check out our Setting Up A Test User tutorial here.

โœ…โ€ Activity Testing

Activity testing is the process of sending Actions, Action Groups, or Translations from an Activity or Lifecycle, to a test user, to simulate the player experience.
Check out Activity Testing for more information.

๐Ÿงช Testing An Activity

Once you have your Test User(s) set up, we can start testing Activities and Lifecycles.
Step 1: Open the Activity or Lifecycle activity you wish to test the action/communication for
Step 2: Select the Action Group, Action or Translation to be tested by selecting the Activity Testing icon
Choose from an entire Action Group:
Test Action Group
Test Action Group
An Action:
Test Action
Test Action
Or an individual Translation:
Test Translation
Test Translation
Step 3: In the Activity Testing panel, select the Test User(s) you wish to send the communication to and click Next.
Select Test User
Select Test User
Step 4: If your selected Activity includes more than one Communication Profile, you will be asked to select which Communication Profiles should be sent to the Test User(s).
Select Communication Profile(s)
Select Communication Profile(s)
Step 5: If your selected Activity is using variables that relate to the Trigger, you will have some additional advanced options.
If your Activity does not include any variables related to the Trigger, then you will not be presented with this option and can skip to Step 6.
You can choose to override the sample Trigger event values according to your Activity trigger to test how the information in the variable will be displayed.
Example: You have an Activity that will trigger an Email to notify players when they have an Approved Withdrawal.
The Email action uses the Trigger variable #amount# to inform the player that they have an approved withdrawal of X amount.
Whilst testing the email Action you have the option to override the sample values for #amount# with a value of your choice. This allows you to test how the information will display in the email.
The sample value for #amount# is '12.3'.
We can change this to '50'. Therefore the test Email sent to the Test User will display โ‚ฌ50 instead of 12.3.
Email with Trigger variable
Email with Trigger variable
Override Trigger Data
Override Trigger Data
Step 6: Review the summary of what (Action) is going to be triggered and to whom (Test User) and execute. Your test user should now receive the selected Actions.
Review and Execute
Review and Execute
Here's a full run-through of all the steps above:
Test Activity - Action Group
Test Activity - Action Group