📧‍ Emails

Emails are the most common and widely used communication channel for businesses around the world. Emails are also both informative, effective, and free to send which all makes it a great option to communicate to your players.
Like with all actions in FT CRM, Emails can also be triggered on real-time events - representing important moments of your players' journey with your brand. Be sure to make the best use of this communication channel as well as make sure to read more about how to use them in FT CRM as best practice.
🙋‍♀‍ Before you continue reading this section we highly recommend that you read about Email Templates here.

⚙️ Setting Up

Firstly, add an Action Group to your activity and select Add New Action. Search and select Send Email from the list of Action Types.
Select Action Type: Send Email
Select Action Type: Send Email
Beneath this section, you'll now find an additional section with pre-existing fields that require information or data. The first thing you need to do is select the Email Template of your choice for the send-out you're about to create.
Select Email Template
Select Email Template
🙋‍♂‍Please note: Your Email Template needs to be created in advance before it can be selected and used accordingly for your email action. You set up your email templates easily inside of FT CRM. Read more about email templates here.
Once you've selected the Email Template of your choice, we suggest that you always check the Preview to make sure that you've made the correct selection of the template. We also recommend that you keep this Preview window open to be able to follow the changes and edits you'll be making along the way.

↔‍ Email Template with Placeholders

If you're working according to what we believe is best practice, your Email Templates should all be set up including Placeholders; read more about this here.
Assuming you're using Email Templates with Placeholders, these are the next steps to complete the setup of your Email Action.
  1. Give your email an Email Subject
  2. Fill in the blank Placeholder fields
Fill in the blank fields
Fill in the blank fields
For a more detailed step-by-step guide on how to create an email, please read here.

#‍ - Variables

#-variables are essentially different pieces of data that can be incorporated into any Action in FT CRM. They are dynamic and are used to add additional information to your player engagements.
To put it short and simple, #-variables pull values/information from the database.
💡‍ Example:
We are sending an email to a group of players. We are using the variable #Firstname# in an email subject.
Player A, who is a part of the segment, has the first name Michaela.
Email Subject as written inside of the email action:
Hey #Firstname#, check this out!
How the email subject will be received by Player A:
Hey Michaela, check this out!

✅‍ Testing your Emails

Once you’ve set up your Email Action fully and it’s ready to go, you can quickly send a test email to an email address of your choice, to check that it all looks good.
Send a test email
Send a test email
Even though this feature is easy at hand, we highly recommend that you test the whole Action Group using the Activity testing functionality, before you send it to your players. This can be done both at the development stage as well as during the QA stage.

🌐 Translations

As with all Action types, you can add Translations to your email Actions to target different Communication Profiles. Adding Translations allows you to send translated content and/or market-specific content and offers from the same Activity.
You can read more about how to implement Translations by reading our section about Communication Profiles here.

Transactional Emails

A transactional email is a non-promotional, automated email that can be sent to a player following a commercial transaction, event or interaction. These emails are functional in the sense that they provide an update on an action, inaction or a request made by a player. By sending transactional emails from FT CRM, you can send all player engagements from the same platform.
Here are some common examples of transactional emails that you can automate from FT CRM:
  1. Password recovery
  2. Successful deposit
  3. Rejected withdrawal
  4. Abandoned cart
Transactional emails are a good way to increase engagement triggered on behavioural triggers and to build player loyalty through personalised communication. You can find a Use Case on how to created automated communications for transactional emails here.

✨‍ How To Get Started

FT CRM is integrated with different email providers, like Sendgrid. To read more about how to get started, check out our integration guide.
Custom Integration? Maybe you have some other, more unique, requirements and could benefit from a custom integration. Reach out to your Integration Manager to find out more.