Player Timeline
On this page, we will explain what a Player Timeline is, how it's used and how this can help your support team's efficiency.
🧐 What is a Player Timeline?
With this great feature, your support no longer needs to waste time asking players to send unnecessary screenshots and forward emails of missing offers.
In the Player Timeline, you can see a full list of all the Actions/Activities that have been triggered for a player. This means that you will be able to see exactly what SMS's, emails, notifications, bonuses etc. that a player has received from your brand.
🗺 How to Navigate
To find the Player Timeline, simply search for the user ID, external user ID, Username or email address (full email) in the navigation bar to the left.
For easy navigation, there is a Timeline Filter available where you can filter on action type and pick the relevant dates for your search.
From the Player Timeline, you can open up the relevant Activity, for any Action in the list, and get the exact visual of, for example, an email that the player has received.

Player Timeline navigation

Player Timeline navigation
🧙♂ Pro Tip: With the help of User Management you can set up FT CRM accounts for your support team, giving them only the necessary access they need to perform their daily tasks.
⏱️ Understanding the Player Timeline
The actions are displayed on the Player Timeline in reverse chronological order, with the most recent actions at the top.
Each Action has an associated colour and symbol. We can see this from the Player Timeline, the Activity overview and in Activity Boxes in Lifecycles. These are set up and managed from Action Type Management from within FT CRM.
Hint: Manage your action type notification settings from the settings menu:
Settings > CRM > Manage Action Types
Taking the image below as an example, let's take a look at the information we can see on the Player Timeline.

Action Notification from the Player timeline

Action Notification from the Player timeline
Firstly we can see a timestamp with the date and time the Action was triggered to the player. We can also see the Activity ID (ACT-2867).
The blue circle tells us that the Action type was an Email.

Date, Time, ACT-ID & Notification Type

Date, Time, ACT-ID & Notification Type
The icons (for email & SMS) relate to the conversion events and their statuses: sent, delivered, opened & clicked. We can see that the email was sent, delivered and opened as the icons are green. The email has not yet been clicked as the icon is red.
Hovering over green icons will display a timestamp for each status.

Conversion Event Icons

Conversion Event Icons
Next, we can see the Action name, Activity name and the subject line underneath (for email).
Depending on the Action type, you may see different information displayed. For example, for SMS it will show the message and the unsubscribe link. With Credit Bonus Code the bonus code will be displayed.

Email Information on the Player Timeline

Email Information on the Player Timeline
Hovering over the Action type on the player timeline gives you the opportunity to preview (for Email only), navigate to the Activity and view it as JSON.

Note: ⌛ Pending Actions that have not yet been triggered will be displayed at the beginning of the timeline.
Any action displayed on the Player Timeline that corresponds to a Lifecycle, will be displayed with the Lifecycle ID and Activity ID, as in the image below.

Lifecycle ID on the Lifecycle actions in the Player Timeline

Lifecycle ID on the Lifecycle actions in the Player Timeline
🧙♂ Click on the Lifecycle-ID to navigate to the corresponding Lifecycle.
⛔ Blocked, Excluded & Opted-out Players
Let's take a look at how the Player Timeline helps us to stay on top of players who are blocked, excluded or opted out from marketing consents.
Blocked Players
Blocked players are players who have been blocked from being active on-site by the operator. This typically occurs when a player has broken the operator's rules. For example, an operator might want to block a player who has failed their verification process or who has shown signs of suspicious activity.
Excluded Players
Excluded players refer to players who have requested for their account to be excluded. Players typically self-exclude or request an operator to exclude them from their accounts when they need to be protected from themselves. This is, in many cases, to tackle gambling issues, and is an important aspect of responsible gambling.
Blocked and excluded players are automatically excluded from the FT CRM platform as a safety precaution, so they can never be targeted with any player engagements.
Opted-out Players
Opted-out players are players who have chosen not to receive your marketing. Players can choose to opt-out of some or all of your communication channels.
Actions appear on the player timeline even for opted-out players, if they have been included in the Segment of a player engagement. The below icon lets you know that the communication was never sent to the player due to the players' opt-in status at the point of time when it was sent.