➡️ Sending an Activity for QA

Hover over the three-dot menu to the right-hand side of the Activity that you wish to send for Quality Assurance and click on the Send to QA ✔‍ icon. If you're working from a project, this will send it directly to the QA stage. If it's an Activity outside of a Project you will instead find it in the QA portal (please note all Activities sent for QA can be found in the QA portal).
Send Activity for QA (within a Project)
Send Activity for QA (within a Project)
Send Activity for QA (Activity outside of a Project)
Send Activity for QA (Activity outside of a Project)
To quickly navigate to the Quality Assurance of an activity you can click on the 🔗‍ icon which will appear after it has been sent for QA.
View in QA portal
View in QA portal

💡‍ How to QA an Activity

Click on the Activity that you wish to Quality Assure for the QA window to open up. Step by step you need to thoroughly check the setup of the different components of the Activity. Once you've checked a component and it's confirmed to be set up correctly, you can tick the box for that section and move on to the next one.
How to QA an Activity
How to QA an Activity
💡‍ Pro Tips: 👯‍♂‍ We advise that the person who set up the Activity is not the same one to QA it. Instead, ask another team member to quality assure your Activity, as it's harder to spot your own mistakes.
🤹‍♀‍ If you're running a one-man show, however, the advice is to let some time pass between setting up the Activity and quality assuring it. This way you allow yourself to look at the activity with fresh eyes.
⏳‍ Make sure to give yourself plenty of time to QA your Activities. Mistakes more easily happen when working under time pressure.

✅‍ When to Approve

If there are no errors spotted in the Activity you can sign it off. By doing this you are confirming that there are no errors in the Activity and that it is ready to be activated at any point going forward.
Activate or not? When you sign off an Activity you have the option to activate it or keep it disabled:
Activating your activity
By clicking 'Yes' you will activate the Activity, meaning that it will immediately be enabled and start running once the main Trigger fires. These Activities will be found in the PROD stage which is the third and final step of your Project.
Enabled Activity in PROD
Enabled Activity in PROD
Please note! 🙋‍♂‍ Scenario: An Activity has the main Trigger, as a Time Trigger, at 15:00 CET. The Activity includes a scheduled SMS to be triggered 3 hours later (18:00 CET). The Activity is activated and triggers at 15:00 CET according to plan. The Activity was then disabled at 15:30, will the scheduled SMS still be sent?
✅‍ Answer: Yes, the scheduled SMS will still be triggered and sent. The same goes for any scheduled Actions, regardless of what Action type and what Trigger is used for the scheduling.
💡‍Explanation: When the main Trigger of an Activity fires all Actions (that are not scheduled) will be added to a queue and will be processed to trigger/send immediately. With any scheduled Actions they will also be added into a queue. However, they will not fire immediately, instead, they will stay in the queue until the scheduled Action is triggered. In the above example, this means that the scheduled Action would stay pending in the queue until 18:00 CET when the SMS would trigger.
As another example, the same logic applies for an SMS scheduled to trigger on login within the next 24 hours. The SMS would be added into the queue and wait to trigger on any upcoming logins within the next 24 hours. To sum it up: A scheduled Action is not dependent on the Activity being active in order to be triggered/sent. As long as the main Trigger of the Activity has been fired, any scheduled Actions will also have the possibility to trigger within the allowed time frame (which is based on the specific Action scheduling).
☝‍ This is why it's essential to thoroughly QA everything before an Activity is approved and activated, as once it's been triggered there's no undoing it.

Keeping your Activity disabled

If you would like to keep an Activity disabled you simply click 'No' after signing it off.
Any disabled and QA'd Activities will remain in the QA stage until being activated. Once activated it will move on to the PROD stage.
QA'd but disabled activity
QA'd but disabled activity

🚫‍ When to Reject

If an Activity contains errors it should be rejected. When rejecting an Activity it gets pushed back to the DEV stage where the errors can be corrected before being sent back to the QA stage again.
Reject an Activity
Reject an Activity

✏️ How to fix an Error

Simply correct any raised errors by entering the specific Activity and edit like usual. Once the errors have been fixed the Activity can be sent to the QA stage.
💡‍ Pro Tips:
👯‍♀‍ We advise that the person who raised the errors is not the same one to correct them. Instead, ask another team member to correct the errors to avoid having to QA your own amendments. 🙋‍♂‍ We recommend that only one designated person should work on correcting errors in an Activity. This is to prevent any collisions when saving which easily can happen if multiple people are editing the same Activity simultaneously.

❌‍ Disabling an Activity in Prod / ​​ Invalidate QA

If you disable an Activity in PROD it will automatically go back into DEV. In order to get it back into PROD, you need to send it for QA and have it signed off once again.