Projects allows you to move your CRM projects forward by bringing all the tools and information you need together in one place.
  1. Group Activities together into the projects they belong
  2. All your automation and planning needs in one place
  3. Complete control over all your send-outs with the Activity Dashboard overview

πŸ— Building Projects

We’ve found a stylish way to group Activities together into projects and avoid messy lists of uncategorised activities. Organise Activities to suit you: per campaign, by calendar month or by automated project.
From inside the Project, Activities are viewed and organised by status: β€˜IN DEV’ for Activities being worked on, β€˜QA’ for Activities ready to be checked for execution, and β€˜PROD’ for Activities that have been signed-off, running or ended.
QA from inside the Project. Activities can be signed-off, activated or simply leave a comment if something doesn’t look quite right.
Check out Getting Started with Projects for more practical help:

πŸ—‚ Organise in the Right Way

Increase productivity with easy to set-up recurring Activities. The functionality to clone an entire Project makes setting up the monthly CRM a breeze.
There are many ways to organise Projects. Check out Best Practices find out how we do it.

πŸ“Š Dashboard

Check off your to-do list and move Projects forward by having the right tools and information in one place. Using the dashboard overview feature, you can stay in control of what, when and how you send information to your customers.
Never miss a deadline with the calendar overview.
With the dashboard overview you can easily check campaign performance and metrics to help plan your next move.
Learn more: