Managing Player Origins
Learn more about how to get started setting up Player Origins or how to safely make edits to existing Player Origins.
You can reach Manage Player Origins from the Settings Menu.
Here you can create a new Player Origin or make changes to existing Player Origins that have been previously set up.

Player Origins from the Settings Menu

Player Origins from the Settings Menu
⨠Create Player Origin
Select the pink CTA, Create Player Origin, at the top-right of the Manage Player Origins page inside FT CRM.

Create Player Origin

Create Player Origin
âī¸ Player Origin Details
Once you've created a new Player Origin, you next need to give it a name, origin key, and an icon/logo. These details will be visible in FT CRM to indicate when the origin is in use inside Activities and Lifecycles.
Name: The name of the brand or any name that is easily identifiable to you and your team that relates to this brand.
Origin Key: This is the identifying key that the system will use to segment users according to their origin.
đ§ Note: Origin Key
When a player registers on your brand, they will be assigned to an origin in their user details inside FT CRM. This allows us to identify the brand origin where the player came from.
The origin key is the value that we use to select these players when creating a segment for Activities or Lifecycles.
An origin key should be written without spaces or capital letters. Words can be separated with '-' as with slug names. For example brand-1
Picture: Upload your brand logo or image to easily identify when the origin is in use.

Player Origin example

Player Origin example
đ Communication Profiles
Here you have the possibility to add unique settings for one or multiple Communication Profiles. It is only necessary to select Communication Profiles IF you're looking to add unique information and settings based on the Communication Profile. For example, in order to use Translations for your Actions, Communication Profiles must be added to your Origins.
The Communication Profiles that appear here are the profiles that have already been set up and enabled for your brand. You can read more about setting up Communication Profiles here.
By adding these settings for a particular Communication Profile, you have the possibility to differentiate from the default URL, action sender settings, and unsubscribe pages. See more below.
By default, all available Communication Profiles will be selected.
Note: If you want all players, regardless of the Communication Profile they belong to, to have the same settings, you don't need to select any Communication Profile at this stage.
If you do not select any Communication Profiles, all players would then get the default settings.

Select Communication Profiles

Select Communication Profiles
Note: All Communication Profiles that are set up and enabled inside FT CRM will be available inside Activities and Lifecycles regardless of the Player Origin settings.
âšī¸ Base Site URL
Enter the base site URL for your default and additional Communication Profiles.
If you have multiple sites due to market or language, add these URL variations under each respective Communication Profile. Enter the default URL for all Communication Profiles if you have just one URL.
đ SMS Sender Name
Determine how the sender name will be displayed for any SMS communication to your players. This can be set for the default and for any Communication Profiles.
âī¸ Sender Email Address
Set the email sender address when communicating with players via email. This can be set for the default and for any Communication Profiles.
đ¤ Email Sender Name
Determine how the sender name will be displayed for any email communication to your players. This can be set for the default and for any Communication Profiles.
đ Unsubscribe Page Base URL
Set the Player Origin URL for the default unsubscribe page and for any additional Communication Profiles.
Unsubscribe pages are currently handled by Fast Track during the integration process.