Take a quick glance at what's coming in the 2.2 Micro Feature release.

Data Studio

  1. Labels on pie chart visualisation are now being shown correctly
  2. Drill-down is now working inside widgets if viewing the results in a Bar view
  3. Drill-down now has pagination and row numbers implemented
  4. Time dimensions are now being passed correctly when clicking on a measure to enter drill down
  5. Tooltips have been added to dimensions & measures in the explore view
  6. Dashboards in the overview now have descriptions
  7. Timestamps are being correctly shown in drill-downs
  8. User Id's should now not be displayed with commas
  9. Table spacing should now be displayed correctly when viewing longer texts

Bug fixes

  1. Entering the email template section will no longer cause the screen to freeze for a short period
  2. Email templates should be saved without errors when using ft-conditions
  3. Changing the email template in an action will no longer require the page to be refreshed for the new template to be updated
  4. User Migrations in the Migration Portal should no longer get stuck in the queue in case there are failed users in the migration
  5. Starting multiple migrations by clicking more than once on the "Start" button should not be possible if the migration has already started
  6. Activities not using an SDT trigger should no longer be displayed as an SDT trigger in the QA portal overview
  7. Multi-Class Player Features now work as expected in Lifecycles
  8. Hotfix on email-distributor so that segments with Player in Lifecycles field are usable

Micro Features or Improvements

  1. Player Search now works with Username
  2. Changing an email template will now prompt the user in case QA status should be invalidated
  3. Activities using Time Triggers should now be more accurate to start processing precisely on the minute
  4. Added validation for segment fields to be saved without field value types
  5. "Action Notification Types" has been renamed to "Action Types"