⬆️ POST /bonus/credit

The Operator needs to provide Fast Track with the Credit Bonus endpoint to ensure FT CRM can automate the bonus crediting.
This should immediately activate or make the player eligible for the bonus. This depends on how the Operator is handling bonus interactions with their players.


  1. e.g. If the player needs to opt-in on the site for the bonus, this endpoint should make the player eligible to opt-in. The rest of the logic should be handled by the Operator
  2. New fields can be added to be passed to the Operator (e.g. validity_amount) from the FT CRM.



⬇️ GET /bonus/list

This endpoint can help to improve the flow of setting up bonus campaigns by loading a list of the available bonuses from the operator. This dropdown can be manually added in the back-office at any point by selecting Dynamic Dropdown in the field configurations.

⬆️ POST /bonus/credit/funds

This endpoint can be used to credit funds immediately to the player wallets. An example of use is to be able to automate the crediting of cashback.



📈‍ Bonus Reporting

Fast Track will include the below headers in all outgoing requests against your Operator API. These should be stored and sent back in the Bonus Events, which will allow the end user to view reports on bonus cost for each campaign in Fast Track Data Studio.
Description of each header: X-Fasttrack-Actioncommunicationprofileid = Communication Profile (translation) used X-Fasttrack-Actiongroupid = The action group containing the actions X-Fasttrack-Actionid = Id of the action (e.g. Send SMS or Credit Bonus) X-Fasttrack-Activityid = Id of the activity itself X-Fasttrack-Id = Unique Id per trigger, per user X-Fasttrack-Triggerhash = The Triggerhash is used to identify a unique send from the same event. i.e you should only have one action received with the same: activity_id, action_id, user_id, and Triggerhash. If you use a time-based activity to target say 100 players, all those 100 players will have the same activity_id, action_id, and Triggerhash.