Migration Summary

Once the real-time events are enabled, the integration will ensure that any new successful registration is added automatically into the FT CRM database. Historical users can be migrated through API or file, where API is the most efficient option.
API Migration
File Migration

API Migration Summary

To achieve an efficient migration of users, you can use the Data Migration Portal inside FT CRM. Once initiated, the system will do a look-up against your Operator API for each user one-by-one to fetch User Details, Consent statuses & Block statuses.


1. Operator API

This requires you to have your Operator API set up and connected with your FT CRM environment.

2. CSV file

You will need to extract the user_id which you want to migrate into a CSV file with UTF-8 formatting. The user_id should be in one column and the file should not contain any header.
Example CSV:

Migrate users

  1. You can find the Data Migration Portal by logging into your FT CRM environment and navigating to Settings -> Integrations -> Data Migration Portal.
  2. Click "New migration" and import the CSV file with user_id's.
  3. Start the migration by clicking "Start", you should then see that the migration project has been moved to "In progress". The system will do a look-up against your Operator API for each user one-by-one. You can keep track of the progress from this screen.
  4. Once the migration is ready, you can download the results to verify the migration.

File Migration Summary