Overview of our Freshchat integration

We have an instant messaging service to handle outbound messaging through Freshchat (e.g. Whatsapp messages).
The service supports:
  1. Firing outbound text messages through Freshchat /outbound API (e.g. Whatsapp)
  2. Support for placeholders, e.g #firstname#
  3. Conversion tracking

Steps to setup outbound messages through Freshchat

  1. Create a Freshchat (Freshworks) account.
  2. Provide Fast Track with the following credentials:
    1. API Key
    2. Business number
    3. Namespace
  3. Fast Track will deploy the service and add the new action to your backoffice.
  4. Operator to configure the action with verified templates.
How to setup a template:
  1. In your Fast Track backoffice, go to "Settings" -> "Manage Action Notification Types".
  2. Find the Instant Message Action.
  3. Find the Action Field named "Template" and click edit.
  4. Add the Templates as examples below (depending if they should contain placeholders or not).
Example template added without placeholder:
  1. Enter the exact name of the template in Field Group Name
  2. Click "Add New Group"
Example template added with placeholders:
  1. Enter the exact name of the template in Field Group Name
  2. If you have multiple templates saved, make sure you selected the correct one from the Field Groups list
  3. Since your template contains placeholders, you will need to add each placeholder into the template. This is the format required:
    1. Name = Should contain a number inside curly brackets, e.g. {{1}}. Needs to be one number for every placeholder in your template. If the template contains two placeholders you should add two fields {{1}} & {{2}}
    2. Label = How you want this placeholder field to be displayed on the front-end.
    3. Default Text = If we should load a value automatically to this field when you create the Action from an Activity.
    4. Field Type = Should be set to Text
    5. Data Type = Should be set to String
  4. Click "Add" on the top right, then repeat for as many placeholders as you have.