⬇️ 1. GET /userconsents/:userid

The Operator needs to provide Fast Track with the User Consents endpoint to fetch user consent data. Fast Track CRM will do lookups against this endpoint when certain events are received, for example Registration, User Consent or when migrating user data through Fast Track migration portal.
Please note that the type is CASE sensitive.
All consent types need to be included in the response. If consents are not used, please return either "true" or "false".


Example Response
Data Types
Accepted Values
opted_in *
false, true
The requested consent status of each player. "false"indicates that the user is opted out from the respective channel.
type *
"email", "sms", "telephone", "postMail", "siteNotifiction", "pushNotification"
The consent type

⬆️ 2. POST /userconsents/:userid

The Operator should provide Fast Track with an endpoint that supports updating the consent of a player. This endpoint will be used to support Fast Track's unsubscription solution.
After a consent status has been changed, the Operator need to send a User Consent event. Fast Track will then fetch the consent status from the GET /userconsents/:userid endpoint.
Example Request (from Fast Track)
Data Types
Expected Response
Accepted Values
opted_in *
The requested consent status of each player. "false" indicates that the user should be unsubscribed.
type *
"email", "sms"
The consent type.