On this page, we will explain what Shops are, how they are used and how they can help you enhance player experience with Rewards.
🛍️ What are Shops
The Shop enhances player engagement, retention, and excitement by allowing users to spend Virtual Currency earned through Bonuses, Challenges, or Leveling Up.
It incentivizes continued play by offering rewards such as exclusive Bonuses, additional Challenges, or other customizable items within the Rewards platform—creating a sense of progression and strategy.
🛠️ How to set up Shops
You can add and manage your Shops when navigating to Rewards -> Shops.

Accessing Shops' Configuration Page

Accessing Shops' Configuration Page
From this page, you can create multiple Shops as needed. Click the New Shop button to get started.
You'll be prompted to enter a Shop name (for internal use only). The name visible to players can be managed later in the Shop Details section on the next page.

Creating a New Shop

Creating a New Shop
From here, you can start creating the items you’ll be selling, known as Shop Items. You can learn more about the process by reading here.
🔗 Publishing a Shop
To make a Shop available to your players, you need to add it as a Menu Item from the My Rewards section.
✍️ Translations
When creating or managing Shops, you can add Translations and customise items based on the Communication Profile. These profiles appear as icons above Shop Details and are greyed out until configured.
To add a Translation, click on an icon, make your changes, and click Save. The icon will then appear in solid colours, indicating that a configuration has been applied.

Adding a Shop Translation

Adding a Shop Translation