Levels & Progression
Here you can find information on how to set up your Level System to enhance you players' gameplay!
📈 What are Levels
Levels are another one of the Rewards platform core components and one of the main indicators of gamification within an environment. Levels serve two primary purposes: providing players with a goal and providing players with an enjoyable play experience.
In Rewards, you can create a fully customized Level System. This allows you to define which games contribute to the system and determine how Experience/Progression Points are earned by your players, amongst other things.
🛠️ Setting up a Level System
Creating and managing your Level System is pretty easy, you can find the option under Rewards -> Levels & Progression.
You are able to create as many Level Systems as you like!

Access Levels & Progression to create a New Level System.

Access Levels & Progression to create a New Level System.
To create your Level System, click on the "New Level System" option. Now, you will be taken to a new window where you will be able to add all the necessary details. Let's break it down with an example:
✏️ Name your Level System
As always, we recommend that you give your Level System a name that makes it easily identifiable in case someone else needs to look into it.
📊 Set up the Valueback
Valueback refers to the percentage of value returned to users within the Level System, often used in loyalty programs to reward activity and engagement. It provides users with Virtual Currency as a reward for leveling up.
When configuring the Valueback percentage, decide how much value you want to return to users to encourage participation.
Example (Default Logic: 1 Winning Spin = 1 XP, Valueback set to 10%):
- 10 winning spins with a total €10 in bets = 1 Virtual Currency on Level-up.
- 10 winning spins with a total €100 in bets = 10 Virtual Currency on Level-up.
This setup ensures that higher bets result in greater Valueback rewards, motivating players to stay engaged.
⚙️ Define a Default RTP for New / Unmapped Games
The vast majority of games that you offer on your platform will be mapped within Rewards; however, there might be the odd one that slips through the cracks. For these cases, you can set up a default value so these unmapped games will still be able to contribute to your player's progression.
We suggest that, for the games that are mapped, you leave the 'Use Real RTP' box checked for a better experience.
🎰 Add or Exclude Games from the Level System
From this option, you can add individual games that you would like to contribute to your player's progression. Similarly, you can exclude certain games from the Level System. This means that any activity in those games will not count towards player progression. You can also include/exclude specific providers.
💵 Determine Contributing Bets
Set the threshold for the minimum and maximum bets that should count towards level progression.

Creating a New Level System.

Creating a New Level System.
Experience/Progression points will only be rewarded on winning bets. The option to reward Experience Points for all bets placed will be added in a future release.
Now, the baseline has been set for your Level System. However, you still need to set up the actual indication of player progression: the Levels!
In Rewards, you will be able to add an unlimited amount of Levels. And creating them is quite easy.
🛠️ Setting up your Levels
To create a Level, click on the 'Add Level' button. This will immediately add a new Level, where you will need to complete a few details:
- Display Name: The name of your Level.
- Description: Add flair or an explanation of what it means to have achieved this Level.
- Image: Choose an icon to make your Level easily recognisable.
- XP (Experience Points): This will determine the number of XP a player needs to progress to this Level.

Adding Levels

Adding Levels
After completing your Level & Progression settings, link them to your Rewards through the My Rewards section. You can also assign additional Bonuses to be released when a player reaches a specific Level.